For lack of a better name, this is what's for supper. Per Robert's request --
brown hamburger
add a diced onion
then add a can of mushrooms, some tomato soup and some elbow macaroni
He seems really happy about this so who am i to question? I could eat veggie dogs daily and be happy.
This recipe *did* require one thing i didn't have in the house and that's a can of mushrooms. And, now that i'm writing this i realize i forgot to get toilet paper so i've sealed my fate for tomorrow as well. Anyway, a trip to the store even for 1 item means strapping on the backpack. It is highly unlikely that a person would walk all that way and only end up buying one thing.
He's been wanting sweets after dinner so he asked me to pick up some pastries. They only had Portuguese pastries and i don't think he's a fan soooooo i broke down and bought a sturdy mixing bowl and set of spoons. It was only a bit more than some sweets would cost anyway. Now to find a recipe for cookies! The last i made were peanut butter. They tasted GREAT but were very *bready*. I might look for a molasses cookie or maybe just go for the peanut butter style again but with a different recipe.
When i was leaving the house the sun was shining really nicely. It's a VERY bright day with a pretty good wind blowing. I took a pic of the view from the drive way. I fought the urge to take more pics of the bee tree. I went to Lindo's and had to walk near the tree and i was so excited! I didn't see a bee today though. Maybe on the toilet paper run i might have more bee luck!