What would we do without E-moo? Leaving the Island sales occur weekly it seems. If you are leaving you have waaaay to much stuff to pack along and chances are you bought a lot of it second hand anyway so may as well unload it again. This walk took me past Lindo's and *the bee tree* again and then onto Tribe Road #2. Before heading to the sale i stopped at Lindo's to use the Bank of Bermuda ATM. There was someone there who just had her card ate by the machine. This means i get to go shopping with the $8 in coins i dug out of the closet!!
When you go yardsale'n it's proper etiquette to bring small bills so i was in the fashion there atleast. Also, if you don't bring lots of money it almost *guarantees* the sale will be faaaabulous! After making my way up to the sale i was proven wrong quickly. I mean, there was loads of nice stuff but none of the stuff i am needing. Sigh.
I lucked out and found 2 blue blue BLUE glass canisters for $3, which i felt was a real steal! As i headed back down the hill a pretty clearing caught my eye... and then i noticed the bed! It looks like it might be a futon but maybe not. Blankets and everything. It didn't look to abandoned. Looks like a great place to relax but the comforter spread across it would have to be pretty soggy in the humidity. Ick.
After leaving there i stopped by the ATM again and, miracle of miracles, it was working! So, got some cash and went into Lindo's. All i needed to pick up was some Swiffer pads. Man, Saturday at the store here is as crazy as it is everywhere it seems. Bermudians have a different view on "personal space" than Americans. It's ok, it makes sense. There's not much room on the island so everyone is up on everyone else. Once you get use to it, it's easy to get all up in other's *bubbles*.
On the way home i stopped and leaned against the wall and made a call home. The saddest part about being here is most of the time i don't have anyone to instantly share the cool stuff with. Robert is working and the family is in the States. I am making friends already but, in general, i like just a few people around me and i'm not to hip to bringing in new ones! Thank God for good long distance plans. We talked about the hills and how my legs will be HUGE when i leave here from all the walking. I just can't wait until Mom & Drew can come visit and take the walks with me.
I will soon have to "make" myself walk because i'm getting a scooter for a week! Woohoo!!! There are some things that just need a scooter to be done. One thing is thrift store shopping. Let the games begin!!! A new friend here might also get a scooter. She's not driven one so she wants to be able to follow someone. Would be nice --- that means extra hauling room for all our finds!!
WOW, lots of leaving the island sales! How cool. Nothing leaves the island...it just finds a new home.
A pic of your blue blue blue glass containers would be appreciated by your reading public. :-)
What is up with that outside bedroom? hmmmm.
It was fun talking to you, too. I miss just having you around, but at least we have the phone. Thank you Mr. Bell. It is almost like you are still here!
PS- aren't comments the greatest?!