My calves are cramping. As my loyal followers (hi Mom & Drew!) know.. that's a lot of muscle to be cramped up. I figure it's because i was sick. Anywho, i felt i needed a banana but i don't have any.
But wait!
I have multiple banana trees out my back door. And, the tree in the garden has BIG (for local naners anyway) bananas on it that are ripening on the tree and going to go bad. So, i went out, hopped the little wall and pulled one off and ate it, sitting right on the garden wall in the sunshine.
If you look closely you can even see where i plucked my banana.
It doesn't get much better than this. Now, maybe i'll get out my big chef's knife (my substitute for a machete) and hack off the whole bunch.
well now that I read it. Whore is a strong word when not taken lightly. So let me reiterate."I heard it through the grapevine your a scooter ho"