I get up and send hubs off to work. It sucks. I'm not to swift in the AM. I like to sleep in. The alarm goes off at 6am and i swing into action. For real though. He rolls around for awhile, then goes out for a smoke, then maybe checks his email or sips his coffee on the couch. I'm packing the coffee filter thingy twice to make him coffee for here and work. I'm slicing chicken for sammitches, gathering snacks, scooping and heating Blue's food, pottying Blue, gathering R's computer and cord and putting it in the bag, packing the lunch, gathering his odds & ends... and finally i carry it all out with him to the bike (along with a towel to dry off the seat sometimes). Whew, all this done before 6:30. My head reels.
So, all that crap aside.. sometimes i get to see a truly amazing sunrise. Sunrise is such a treat to someone that loves to sleep in. After R leaves i usually scoot really fast to the back sliding doors and watch for his bike to go scootin' down the road. The other morning i saw this incredible sunrise so i grabbed the camera and took pictures of the spots on the glass doors. Awesome. The spots inspire me.
The weather today was more like a Canadian Christmas minus the bitter cold temps and snow. That would leave grey skies and lots of it. Oh Canada.