I'm lazy in general. I have a desire to be athletic and out-doorsy but i really enjoy laying on the couch, playing my DS and drinking sweet tea. That's just a perfect day for me. But, my perfect day causes Robert to worry (and rightfully so, it's not healthy). My perfect day also causes severe boredom in my companion, Blue.
Since i love Robert & Blue with all my heart the least i could do is put a smile on their faces by being active and not such a bum. Around the corner and over the hill (remember the hills? yes, they are at every turn for me) there is a Railway Trail. There actually use to be a RailWay here. Crazy!! On this little island... in my mind it was like the trains at the Zoo that are open and you can pretty much hop on or off anytime. Like most old rails they've been turned it into a walking path called Railway Trail.
I'm just jumping right out there to say that the bit of trail starting on Cobb's Hill and running over Ord Road and then to South Shore Road is the prettiest spot ever! Granted, i've not been on the other railway trails but really, can they be any prettier? My first day walking i didn't have the camera and i was totally amazed at the views. Now that i'm a Railway veteran after taking 3 walks, i'm getting familiar with the different roosters and their territories and i already have favorite vegetation. Yes, favorite vegetation that i stop to look at. Today my walk took me beyond South Shore Road just a bit. My next adventure will be take the path to the road beyond.
Blue seems to REALLY enjoy the walks. He gets nerdus honey when we see people but he's not barked once and he comes when i call (except one time when he was terrified of a wheelbarrow but, i mean, he's like 5 inches tall so i cut him some slack).
My cankle hurts so i will try to use that as an excuse to lay on the couch playing my DS and sipping sweet tea for a few days.... but i'm sure the guilt will get me and i'll go again.
The picture here is on the stretch of trail between Cobb's Hill and Ord Road. It sounds super corny but it makes me feel like i'm in a fairy tale. The other picture is a fireplace. Right there. Just a fireplace. I've seen a few of them on the island. One of them is outside of Flatt's Village and it's pretty near the water. Bizarre and beautiful, much like me.